

We’d like to say a big thank you to all the brilliant volunteers from Abingdon & Witney College who spent a day supporting, tidying up and sprucing up the garden at Woodstock Youth Club. What a great job ! Many thanks again.

AGM – Tuesday, 23rd July 2024, at 7pm in Woodstock Youth Centre – Recreation Rd Woodstock OX20 1NY – All welcome !

Sad news – Jane Hibberd – will be deeply missed

30 September 2023

We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Jane, our beloved Vice-Chair and Youth Leader, last week. Jane was a dedicated and passionate member of the Woodstock Youth Club, and she will be greatly missed by everyone who knew her and her work.

Jane led the youth club for many years, creating a world full of fun and opportunities for our youth. She was a truly kind and dedicated person, always willing to go the extra mile to help others. She made a big difference to the lives of young people in Woodstock and surrounding villages, whether she was organising events, supporting their individual needs, or simply being a listening ear.

Jane’s dedication to the local youth was unwavering. She was a constant presence at the youth club, and she always made time for the young people. Jane was also honest and humble, never seeking recognition for her many contributions. She was simply driven by a desire to make a positive impact on the lives of others. She was known for her ability to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone felt valued and respected.

Jane was also one of the leading driving force behind the construction of the new youth club building. She had a vision for a beautiful facility that would provide young people with the resources they need. She worked tirelessly to make this vision a reality, and the new youth club building is a testament to her dedication and hard work.

Jane’s legacy is one of hope and possibility. She showed us that anything is possible if we are passionate about what we believe in. She was an inspiration, and we are committed to continuing her work to build a better future for our youth and to provide a safe and supportive environment for our young people. We will strive to make a positive impact on their lives, just as Jane did.

Jane’s passing is a huge loss to our club and to the wider community. We would like to express our sincere condolences to Jane’s family. Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time.

New Term – Come to Enjoy our Youth Club sessions 

New term

Starting on Thursday 21/9/2023 6pm-8pm  £1.50 entry and a tuck shop!

AGM- Woodstock Youth Centre 

Thursday 6th July 2023 – To be held at Woodstock Youth Centre – 8.15 pm

All Welcome !


  1. Apologies
  2. Accepts of AGM minutes Tuesday 17 May 2022
  3. Election of Officers and Committee
  4. Reports
  5. Annual Financial Statements
  6. Update of list of Trustees
  7. Constitution
  8. Terms of Hiring and membership Forms
  9. Public participation Forum

Date of next AGM May 2024

Woodstock Youth Club – Annual General Meeting (AGM) – 17 May 2022 at 7pm – All Welcome ! 

Our next AGM will be held on Tuesday 17 May 2022 at 7pm in the Youth Club building – All Welcome !


  1. Apologies
  2. Accepts of AGM minutes  Monday 2nd May 2019 – (Please note: Due to Covid 19 there was not an AGM for 2020 or 2021) 
  3. Election of Officers and Committee
  4. Reports
  5. Annual Financial Statements
  6. Update of list of Trustees
  7. Constitution
  8. Terms of Hiring
  9. Public participation Forum 
  10. AOB

Date of next AGM May 2023

Join us every Thursday 6pm-8:30pm ! (except half-terms)

Long time no see – we are back and looking forward to see you – Join us on Club nights every Thursday from 6pm to 8:30pm. Please do not forget to fill in our Membership Form  –  See you soon !

Bake your own Pizza !

Upcoming event: It is PIZZA NIGHT at Woodstock Youth Club – Tuesday 21 May 2019 6-8:30pm. Special Thank You to Brothertons Brasserie for their help and generous donation.


Our next Annual General Meeting will be held on 13 May 2019 at 7pm in the Mayors Parlour – Woodstock Town Hall. For a printed leaflet see Woodstock YC AGM 13 May 2019 7pm.

All Welcome !

Virtual Reality Comes to Woodstock Youth Club – 2 April 2019

See here for more information

Sad News

Chris Oliver, our pervious Youth and scooters Club sessions leader, has recently passed away. He will be sadly missed by us all. He did a huge amount of work for us and for Woodstock youth.

Charity and Voluntary Award Ceremony 2018 – Young volunteer of the Year Award – Jackie Hibberd

Jackie is an active Committee member and Youth Club sessions volunteer. Jackie voluntarily goes above and beyond anyone’s expectations in contributing to the smooth operation of the Woodstock Youth Club. She continuously encourages innovative ideas for a balance of activities to interest groups of boys, girls and integration of both. Well done Jackie and keep up the great work !

Woodstock Youth Centre Building – Grand Opening – 10 May 2018

The innovative, modern facility replaces a dilapidated former building. The achievement comes after more than a decade of fundraising efforts specifically for a long-aspired, much-needed replacement building to serve the youth of the Town and nearby areas.

His Grace the 12th Duke of Marlborough, James Spencer-Churchill, Woodstock Youth Centre President, thanked the attending guests for coming and told them he and Edla [Spencer-Churhill, Duchess of Marlborough] were “delighted to be here this afternoon to formally open the new Woodstock Youth Centre. This lovely building is a wonderful example of the Community working together for all the surrounding people of Woodstock and the surrounding villages. I would personally like to thank those involved in making it happen.”

Charity Disco 60/70’s – in aid of Woodstock Youth Club Re-build

When: Saturday 10th March 2018, doors open at 7pm
Venue: Middle Barton Sports and Social Club, Worton Road, Middle Barton OX7 7EE
Tickets £4.00 in advance £5.00 on the door. Fancy dress optional
Call Paula on 01993 883712 or 07900674538 for more details

Oxfordshire Volunteer Awards 2017

This year Zoe Hibberd, our volunteer, received the Oxfordshire Volunteer Awards.

Zoe has done so much for the Youth Club over the years and dedicated long houzoe1rs to make it work in the best possible way for our young people.  She is a member of the leadership team and a committee member, who regularly attends all meetings and youth club sessions.  Very often you will find Zoe in the art room together with a group of young people having a chat and creating wonderful artistic stuffs.  Thank you Zoe !zoe2

Thank you to The Co-op Local Community Fund

A big thank you to the Co-op for providing us a funding – great help to the Youth Club and very much appreciated. Thank You !


Our next AGM – Monday 8 May 2017 at 8pm  – Recreation Rd, Woodstock, OX20 1NY – All Welcome !

Celebrations as funds for new youth centre approved

Members of a Woodstock youth club are celebrating after councillors agreed to award them a £50,000 grant so they can build a new purpose-built home. See here for more information.

Thank you for Cottsway Housing Association 

Thank you Cottsway for your second year money support which will be used for our art and craft, cooking and sport active material and equipment purchase.

Well done to our Youth Club team who won the 1st prize – Knockout Sport Event June 22016.


Oxfordshire Volunteer Awards 2016


Congratulation to Ann Grant who won the Oxfordshire Volunteer Awards 2016.

Mrs Grant frequently, voluntarily goes above and beyond anyone’s expectations in contributing reliable and smooth operation of the Woodstock Youth Club. She is the secretary of the Youth Club and has been involved in supporting and ensuring proper operation of the Youth Club’s Woodstock. She is also the founder and organiser of a successful Local Lottery to raise funds towards a replacement facility. Mrs Grant frequently attends YC sessions and always ensures youth users treat everyone at the Club with appropriate manners and proper decorum, so that everyone can feel welcome, appreciated and respected.


See also: David Cameron, MP for Witney, has sent well-wishes for OCVA’s Oxfordshire Charity & Volunteer Awards


Our next AGM – Monday 9th May 2016 at 8pm  – Recreation Rd, Woodstock, OX20 1NY – All Welcome

Woodstock Youth Centre – New Building short Survey 

Please complete a 10 questions short Survey which will help us with our funding applications. To complete the survey please go to:

Woodstock Youth Club is looking for a new Youth Leader

The club has some 60 to 70 members of whom up to 30 are regular attendees. Membership is open to young people from 8 to 16 years old from Woodstock and the surrounding villages. The club meets every Tuesday night from 6.00 through to 8.30pm at the Youth Centre Woodstock.

Candidates for interview should be able to show some experience of youth work or be willing to undertake some formal youth training. A DBS check is mandatory.   Costs of training and DBS checks will be met by the Club.

The club is a registered charity managed by a team of committee members. Salary, hours and all other conditions of employment are negotiable.

Please respond with a full CV to:- Woodstock Youth Centre, Recreation Road, Woodstock OX20 1NY



Oxfordshire Volunteer Awards 2015


Congratulation to Jane Hibberd who won the Oxfordshire Volunteer Awards 2015.


Jane’s time, devotion and ideas over many years directly enhance the Youth Club, frequently going above and beyond what’s expected to ensure the smooth operation of the club and a fun and constructive environment for the young people.

For more information please see:

His Grace the Duke of Marlborough

chris-nightv11aWoodstock Youth Club Committee and Young Members were saddened to hear of the death of our Club President “His Grace the Duke of Marlborough”.  We extend our condolences to his family and are most grateful for all his support and help with fund raising over many years.

The photo shows the Duke at the Youth Club in 2013, enjoying a conversation with former leader Chris Oliver and members of the club.

50’s & 60’s Music Night

A fun Music Night with Steve Carmel – Friday 12th Sept 2014, 7:30pm start, at Oxford City Football Club, Marsh Lane, Marston, Oxford, OX3 0NQ. Bar/Raffle/Refreshments – Entry £5. For details and tickets please call Paula on 01993 883712. Alll proceeds to the Woodstock Youth Club Rebuilding Fund. Venue kindly donated by Oxford City FC.

Pauline’s Planter
On Saturday 5th July we had an event to celebrate Pauline Richardson’s contribution to the Youth Club. A beautiful new planter has been installed outside the Youth Centre, Canon Barbara Doubtfire gave a speech and blessed the planter. Afterwards around 25 of us, including Pauline’s family, former YC leaders and committee members met in the club for drinks and conversation. The planter was purchased from money raised by Chris Oliver and Ben Richardson, with support from Ian Hudspeth and the Blenheim Estate.dedication2014v1dedication201409dedication201414

The AGM took place on Monday 16th June. The committee for 2014-15 can be found by clicking on the ‘about the club’ link at the top of the page.

Free Wifi
If you are hiring the Youth Club building for an event we now offer free wifi.

Coming up on Thursday April 17th. Doors open at 7, eyes down at 7.30.

Cycling to Paris
Friend of Woodstock Youth Club, David Popham is cycling to Paris, and raising funds for our new building as he goes. Thanks very much David.
If you would like to support him and us, please follow this link

The Woodstock YC AGM will be on Monday June 2 at 7.30. The new committee will be elected.
All welcome to attend.

Woodstock Youth Club Lottery
Oxfordshire County Council Leader Ian Hudspeth drew the winning tickets in our first weekly lottery on Tuesday 25th February. He was joined by Woodstock Town Mayor and youth club chairman, Julian Cooper for the draw at the Youth Centre. The lottery has been set up by committee members Ann Grant and Jane Hibberd. Both of them have worked tirelessly to get it up and running and hope to make lots of money for the new building project. They have been supported by many other friends of the youth club and a fantastic grant from Cottsway Housing Association which has helped to pay to set up the lottery and for the publicity materials. To check on the winning numbers or join the lottery for a weekly chance to win cash prizes. Click on the link at the top of the page to find out how.

Christmas Party and Big Thank You to the Rotary Club
The Christmas Party on December 17th went really well with more than 30 members enjoying fun and games and party food. John Shannon and Bob Taylor from the Woodstock Rotary Club joined us to present a cheque for £1500 for the new building fund. We were one of their chosen charities to support in 2013 and the money was raised at their annual Blenheim 10k run in October. We thank them very much it is really appreciated and the fund is now well over £90,000.

Midnight Ice Skating
YC members joined in a fabulous Midnight Skating session at Oxford Ice Rink on December 22nd. 

Christmas Bingo
We raised £200 at the Bingo on Monday 16 December. Thanks to all involved.

Sad News
14om26richardsonPauline Richardson, one of our committee members and lifelong worker for youth issues, passed away on November 6th.

She will be sadly missed by us all. She did a huge amount of work for us and for Woodstock.

Fantastic Support from the Freemasons
freemasonv3The Marlborough Lodge of the Freemasons recently donated £1000 to the Youth Club rebuilding fund. We received a further £100 from Oxfordshire Freemasons at a Charity Giving evening at Witney on November 6th. Tracy Wray and Bob Pomfret represented the club and Bob received the cheque. Thank you very much to the Marlborough Lodge for continued support. The photo is courtesy of James Faulkner Photography, Witney.

Woodstock Rotary Club Blenheim Run
In October this year the Blenheim Run organised by the Rotary Club raised money for the Youth Club building fund. Several members of the committee helped out on the day. Thanks to: Ben, Tracy, Bob, Clive and Paula from the club and especially to the Woodstock Rotarians. Thanks for thinking of us.

Chris Oliver’s Last YC Nightchris-nightv08a
On Tuesday 16th the end of year Summer Party was a very special occasion. We celebrated Chris’s more than 50 years in youth work, and his last night as leader of Woodstock Youth Club.

At least 80 people turned up: club members past and present. Former members of Bladon youth club and all sort of other people who had met and worked with Chris over the years.

chris-nightv11aFormer Woodstock Town Mayor, Brian Yoxall gave us a cheque for £1,150, money raised for the club as one of the mayor’s charities of 2012/13. Thank you very much Brian. Original Youth Club trustee, John Whitlock brought his video camera to record the event for posterity and the Duke of Marlborough, our club president, came to say a few words of thanks to Chris. He also presented a gift to Chris from the committee and flowers to Chris’s wife Kate (an invaluable behind the scenes supporter for many, many years) and daughter Steph (Assistant youth club leader, former club secretary and committee member). Son Michael, another behind the scenes supporter and YC building repairer got a mention in the Duke’s speech but somehow got missed out on the flowers (sorry Michael).

chris-nightv16aThere was a really good barbecue (thanks for doing me a vegeburger!) and a rounders match organised by Ben Scurr. Adults took on children and somehow we lost… too many of the kids were good at catching. That’s my excuse anyway.

Thanks very much as well to Jane, Zoe and Jackie Hibberd, Ben Richardson and club chairman Julian for all their help on the night too. If I’ve missed anybody else. Sorry. It was a really good evening and…

Although it was his last night as club leader, Chris being Chris, is not turning his back on the club, he was elected Vice President of the club at the AGM and he is continuing to run the Scooter Club on Wednesday afternoons.
report by Bob Pomfret

Tonight’s The NightChris
Chris Oliver’s Farewell Night at the Club is tonight, Tuesday July 16 from 6.30pm.  We will have a BBQ and fun and games for all ages and we’d like to see as many old club members as possible. Please come along.

The Youth Club AGM took place on June 3rd. The YC Committee for 2013-14 is:
Chairperson: Julian Cooper (Also a Town Council nominee)
Vice Chairperson: Jane Hibberd | Treasurer: Colin Carritt | Secretary: Bob Pomfret

Committee: Andrew Denmark, Paula Denmark, Ann Grant, Zoe Hibberd, Chris Oliver (Youth Leader), Kami Parnes, Ben Richardson, Pauline Richardson (Town Council nominee), Nicki Rogan, Clive Smith and Elaine Stokes (Town Council nominee).

Model Show Coming Up in July Cancelled
Unfortunately this event has been cancelled.

Recent Newsfunday12
The YC Fun Day at the Town Hall on May 18th went well. Members of the Scooter Club demonstrated their skills on the ramps and jumps and we had several stalls and great support from Breckon and Breckon who filled a mini with balloons for a ‘guess how many balloons you can fit in a mini’ competition. For future reference I think the answer was 119. We made more than £350 and it was good PR for the club and our re-building efforts.

Congratulations to Paula Denmark for raising £300 at the Country and Western Dance on Friday May 3rd.